Some time last year A. put a bird feeder on the kitchen window sill. Granted, it was just a saucer with various seeds, but it soon began to attract big tits and blue tits, and an occasional robin. And then another hungry guest popped in. A squirrel! And then another one. Soon we could distinguish them by the fur colour and also behaviour. We would put out nuts for them. If the nut had been cracked open, they would sit and work on it. Otherwise they would just grab it and run away with it. I never though that observing squirrels could be that much fun. So much, that I even got a squirrel cookie cutter and made these squirrel cookies. Great for snacking while you’re waiting for the squirrels to visit.


100 g wheat flour
80 g ground hazelnuts
80 g fine sugar
2 egg yolks
90 g cold butter


Combine together flour, sugar and hazelnuts, add the cold butter cut in cubes and rub in with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Then add the egg yolks and mix to obtain a firm dough. Knead the dough briefly and gently. Form a disk, wrap in cling film and put in the fridge for one hour.

Preheat the oven to 180°C (top and bottom). Roll out the dough to ca. 3 mm thickness, and cut out the cookies. Place the cookies on baking tray lined with baking paper or silicon mat and bake form 10-12 minutes. Let the cookies cool down before serving.

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